Disconnection .... seen as a price paid ... for not acting properly on the stage of life … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

I look at her.

I analyse her.

... but i am not saying a word.

I pretend ... that i don't even see her.

I observe ... she is sad.

She ... almost cries.

I want to ask her ... why?! ... but it should not be properly ... to do it.

She ... would not understand my obsession for her.

... for analysing her.

But i was interested only and only in understanding her behaviour.

Obviously obsessed about why relationships don't really work ... on long term.

Today ... they were disconnected.

And still ... they were such a beautiful couple.

I've adored seeing that energy between them.

It was ... a real proof that a man and a woman can experience the absolute together.


But ... something happened.

Something ... broke their connection.

It was a nonsense.

Yesterday ... all was perfect.

And today ... all became just a story and nothing more.

Someone whispered me ... that she didn't knew to act properly.

She was in relationship ... loved him .... but she was totally addicted to the attention of other men.

She adored ... to be adored.

Unfortunately ... she could not stop herself.

But.... she did not realised ... not even for a second that inducing the illusion of being accessible to all the men she was interacting with ... he made him feel ... not really special to her.

It was not that he was jealous.

Or possessive.


He felt ... being ... just as one of the men from the stage of her life.

A ... useless connection.

So ... he took the decision to simply disconnect from her ... and start a new life.

Cause ... truth be told ... it is too difficult with addicted people.

Maybe ... that was the best reply for her.

She regretted.

She hated him ... for not forgiving her.

But ... it was late.


He couldn't find the power to forgive her ... on and on and on.

Disconnection appeared.

Looked ... stupid.

Unfortunately ... it was not.

But … just a normal step ... into their relationship.





Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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